Did You Know 2022

Did You Know You Need to Plan When Deploying New Software in Your Pharmacy?

Authored by Timothy Patterson 

Deploying new software for a pharmacy can be a critical step towards improving operations, reducing errors, and increasing efficiency. However, deploying software requires careful planning and execution to ensure the process goes smoothly. This blog post will discuss best practices for deploying software in your pharmacy. 

Understand Your Business Needs

Before deploying any software, it’s essential to understand your business needs. Identify the areas where you need software support, such as inventory management, customer records, and billing. This understanding will help you select software that meets your specific business needs. 

Choose the Right Software

Selecting the right software is critical to ensure a successful deployment. Look for software that is easy to use, has good customer support, and provides regular updates and bug fixes. Choose software tailored explicitly for pharmacy and that offers the features you need. 

Test Your Software

Testing your software is critical to ensuring it functions correctly and meets the requirements of your pharmacy business. Conduct thorough testing, including functional testing, integration testing and data validation, to make sure your software works and has converted as expected. At Corum, we conduct multiple test conversions on your data before handing it to you for validation. Ensure you use this to analyse your data effectively before your live migration. 

Train Your Staff

Training your staff is essential to make sure they can use the software effectively. Provide training sessions for your team to help them understand how to use the software, and provide ongoing support as they learn. At Corum, we offer various training solutions such as webinars, remote face-to-face, Q&As and onsite training. 

Track Your Deployment

Once your software is deployed, monitoring it to ensure it functions smoothly is essential. When you migrate to Corum, we will conduct a hardware audit and provide feedback on your hardware, from computers, printers, and even networking. When migrating software vendors, it can be an excellent opportunity to upgrade hardware where needed. Corum is here to help you navigate these requirements. 

Have a Contingency Plan

Despite the best planning and testing, things can still go wrong during deployment. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a contingency plan in case of any issues. Corum will always leave your previous software untouched. In case of emergency or data lookup purposes, we will ensure that your old data is retained and accessible to give you peace of mind. 

Communicate with Stakeholders 

Effective communication with stakeholders is critical for a successful deployment. Ensure you communicate any changes or updates to stakeholders, including release notes and downtime schedules, to minimise disruption to their operations. 

Deploying new software in your pharmacy can be a critical step towards improving operations, reducing errors, and increasing efficiency. Follow the best practices outlined in this blog post to ensure your deployment process is smooth, efficient, and error-free.