Did You Know 2022

Did You Know Running Unsupported Operating Systems Makes You Vulnerable to Ransomware?

Authored by David Carroll

Do you still use Windows 7 or other legacy operating systems on your computer? You may be putting yourself at risk of ransomware and other cyber threats.

We recently had a customer who was not enrolled in our cyber defence services and was still using Windows 7 in their pharmacy. Unfortunately, the Windows 7 computer could not run up-to-date security software or updates, and this left the computer vulnerable. It became an entry point for a new ransomware variant called Cylance Ransomware. (not be confused with the Cyber Defence tool from Blackberry with the same name). 

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Data recovery in this incident is challenging and costly. Fortunately for this customer, they were subscribed to Corum’s Safeguard Data Protection and Backup Service, and no data was lost in the Ransomware incident. They did lose a day of trade and all data on the Windows 7 device.

Why is Windows 7 more Vunerable?

Why are Windows 7 and other legacy operating systems more vulnerable to ransomware and cyber threats? There are several reasons:

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How Can You Protect Yourself From These Threats?
What can you do to protect yourself from ransomware and other cyber threats if you still use Windows 7 or other legacy operating systems?

Here are suggestions:

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If you are worried about the security of your pharmacy systems and want to know how you can defend your pharmacy from cyber threats and protect yourself from ransomware, speak to your Corum Customer Success Manager or contact us on 1300 669 865.