Cash Sales

  1. Once all products have been scanned into the sale, the transaction may then be completed simply by pressing the [+] key located on the right-hand side of the keyboard. (as shown in Figure 1.5.1)
  2. Figure 1.5.1

    Figure 1.5.1

  3. At this point the sale will be transferred into the ‘Cash’ field.
  4. Key the amount of cash tendered into the ‘Cash’ field (as shown in Figure 1.5.2)
  5. Figure 1.5.2

    Figure 1.5.2

  6. Press the [+] key a second time to display the change required.
  7. LOTS will open the cash draw and print a sales docket, simultaneously.
  8. Click the ‘Ok’ button to continue (as shown in Figure 1.5.3).
  9. Figure 1.5.3

    Figure 1.5.3