- To set up a new Multi-Buy, from the LOTS Start Menu Tools Utilities Stock Utilities Multi-buys
- This will display the ‘Multi-Buys’ window (as shown in Figure 5.1.1).
- Under ‘Type’ ensure Multi-Buy is selected.
- To create a new Multi-Buy select ‘New’.
- Then enter the following:
- Multi-Buy Name – The name of the Multi-Buy.
- Message at Till – This is the message to be displayed at the till when the Multi-Buy is triggered. This will advise the salespeople to companion sell additional items.
- Start Date – The date the Multi-Buy is to begin.
- Finish Date – The date the Multi-Buy is to finish.
- Suspended – If for any reason you need to suspend the Multi-Buy before the Finish Date you will need to tick the Suspended tick box (e.g. waiting for more stock).
- Max. Occurrence Per Sale – This is the maximum amount of times the Multi-Buy is allowed to be sold per sale.

Figure 5.1.1

Figure 5.1.2

Figure 5.1.3