- Function keys [F3], [F4] or [F5] may be used to apply discounts to a Sale
- [F3] is a ‘Variable discount’ that allows you to enter the desired amount you wish to discount the sale by. Click ‘Ok’ to continue and apply this change (as shown in Figure 1.6.3).
Figure 1.6.3
- [F4] and [F5] are automatic discounts that can be set from the LOTS Start menu-Tools Options POS Discounts for Sales (as shown in Figure 1.6.4). 10% and 20% are the default settings.
Figure 1.6.4
- [F4] is a ‘Standard discount’, when pressed within a sale the discount will automatically apply to all items that can be discounted.
- [F5] is a ‘Special discount’ that also when pressed within a sale will apply the discount to all items that can be discounted.