To Make a New Sale:
- To Start a new sale select the ‘New Sale’ button (as shown in Figure 1.2.1
- The LOTS ‘New Sale’ screen will be displayed (as shown in Figure 1.2.2)
- Key your staff ID into the Salesperson field (as shown in Figure 1.2.3)
- At this point you may now key in any OTC items using one of the following methods:
- Scanning a product (if a barcode exists) is the most efficient method.
- Typing the product PDE or PLU number into the ‘Stock Item’ field.
- Typing in part of the product description in the ‘Stock Item’ field, press the [Enter] key and select the appropriate product from the list presented.
- Press an appropriate ‘Hot Key’ if set up (refer to Hot Keys in the ‘Stock Card’ section).
- The stock item description, quantity (defaults to 1), retail unit price, discount (if applicable),subtotal and GST status will then be displayed (as shown in Figure 1.2.5).
Note: Staff IDs need to be set up for each staff member. This is done through the LOTS Main Menu ‘Tools’> ‘Utilities’> ‘Staff Utilities’ >‘Modify Staff’.