- From the LOTS ‘Point of Sale’ screen select ‘Options’ > ‘Receipts after Sale’ (as shown in Figure 1.19.1).
Figure 1.19.1
- There are several different options relating to the ‘Receipts After Sale’. (shown in Figure 1.19.2) The options are as follows;
- Zero ReceiptsA receipt will only be printed out on demand
- 1 ReceiptOnly one receipt will print at the end of the sale
- 2 ReceiptTwo receipts will print at the end of the sale
- Additional Receipt On Account Transaction Two receipts will automatically print out for items that are sold on an account.
- Additional Receipt On EFTPOS Transaction Two receipts will automatically print out for EFTPOS sales
- Additional Receipt On Credit Card Transaction Two receipts will automatically print out for Credit Card sales
- Line Feeds After Receipt This option enables you to request additional black lines to feed upon completion of printing of the receipt
- Unit Identified On Receipt When this option is selected each receipt will show that the purchases were put through a particular till.
- Club Points on Receipt When this option is selected and you have a Club set up, receipts will include customers current Club Points
- Customer Identified on Receipt (for non account sales)When this option is selected The customers name and details will be displayed on the receipt
- Drug names on Receipt This option allows you to have drug names from script sales included on the receipt
Figure 1.19.2