Table of Contents
You can move around screens using the keyboard and the mouse. The active box has a flashing cursor.
Using the Keyboard #
To move around the screen using the keyboard:
- Press Tab to go forward
- Press Shift+Tab to go backward
- Press Alt together with an underlined letter to go straight to the corresponding field.
The underlined letters are called access keys. Press Alt together with an access key to go straight to the corresponding box, or to choose the corresponding button or menu.
You can set Amfac modules so that you can also move around the screen using Up Arrow, Down Arrow and Enter. See page 68 for more information.
To move between tabbed pages (e.g. on a details screen):
- Hold Ctrl and repeatedly press Tab to display each page in turn. Release Ctrl when the page you want is selected.
- Hold Ctrl and Shift and repeatedly press Tab to move backwards through the tabbed pages. Release Ctrl and Shift when the page you want is selected.
Using the Mouse #
To move around a screen using the mouse:
- Position the cursor over the box and click.
The cursor changes to when over an entry box.
To move between tabbed pages (e.g. on a details screen):
- Click the tab of the page you want to display.